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We made it! March 20th is the Spring Equinox and marks the first day of Spring, when the day will be just as short as it will be long. The days will now be getting longer and warmer as the frozen ground begins to thaw and plants begin to emerge from this long winter.

We are devoting this issue to getting your yard and outdoor spaces ready for spring...

For the first mow of the season, cut your grass a little short in order to remove all of the brown from the tips of the grass blades. Reset your mower to 3" for the next mow.

Is this the best time to mulch? Mulching is a good idea whenever bare soil is visible to ensure moisture retention; it doesn't matter the time of year. Spring is often the time homeowners want to tidy up from the winter and start fresh.

It is critical at this time of year to treat your lawn and beds with pre-emergent herbicides - well before any weed seeds have a chance to germinate. If you haven't already done this, be sure to in the next couple of weeks before the growing season fully kicks in.

And, rest assured, if you're already on our Maintenance Program, we've already taken care of it!


Get your grill ready for the summer grilling season! Wipe the exterior down with a stainless steel cleaner. Spray the grates with water and vinegar and let sit for an hour, then thoroughly scrub them with a new wire brush. Once clean, coat them with vegetable oil and cure them for a couple of hours at 450 degrees. Check burners for any holes. Test tubes for leaks by applying soapy water and turning on the propane - bubbles indicate a leak. Make sure all knobs and handles are tight.

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Wait to turn your irrigation system on until mid-April to ensure the ground is no longer frozen. Then, run it for a couple of minutes to test the automatic timer and make sure the spray heads are spraying properly. After it's off again, check to make sure there are no leaks in the system and that all sprayer heads are level with the ground. Set the timer for springtime water levels and check out our tips in the After Care video above.


“Just wanted to tell you your guys were terrific and the job they did, including the back fill and cleanup, was outstanding. You'd never know anything was trenched. The new drainage lines got a good test with the heavy rain and it worked beautifully. Really appreciate what Poynter Landscape accomplished in eliminating our problem."


If you are starting projects this spring where you have to dig, always call 1-800-DIG-RITE before you put a shovel into the ground. Missouri One Call will have all your utilities located and take photos of the marking for your records. Our lives are closely tied to the wires in our yards these days. In many cases, damage to a single wire can cut off our phone, email, internet, television and wireless services in our homes. Be safe and avoid a major headache.